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Video: 2015 McLaren P1 by Jay Leno's Garage

5:00 PM

Jay Leno is one the most popular TV host and he owned a garage which hold a lot of cars collection. He has his owned McLaren MP4-12C and he is really happy with it.

Back in September, McLaren invite him to England to show their new McLaren P1. P1 is one of the most amazing car in the worlds. Produced by a perfect engineering technology. P1 is a hybrid super car. It has 3.8 L twin turbo V8 engine with electric motor to run in city environment. It run on dual clutch 7 speed gearbox.

This year, Jay have received his car. The P1 is the first car in US soil! McLaren CEO have visited Jay and Jay talks about his new car and share his experience. They also have a ride in open road.

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